quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2024

Not the Israel

« - Jews opressing others just to survive seems dicey. Unilaterally deciding the fates of foreign people and building walls around them is not good. I could argue that by holding on to the West Bank, the israelis are commiting something that is not only immoral but also self-destructive. I know that we Jews have been the most viciously persecuted ethnic group to survive. We were scattered from our homeland, yet after 2.000 years we've come back to regain some of it. But the palestinian arabs are not going anywhere. Their ancestors lived on the same land. They still live in Palestine. And as long as they do, they will fight for independence. And there will be ceaseless conflict.
I've got no idea how to resolve this thing, but if the main issues - like Jerusalem, the right of return, and possible reparations - aren't discussed, it's hard to imagine any progress being made.
It just seems like the Jews... that they are not making any serious effort, maybe both sides... But the Jews are certainly not making a serious effort to come up with a two-State solution, which is what most people want.
I mean the whole venture is so stupid. To put Jews in there... I mean, you're gonna put these scattered handfulls of Jews in Gaza or the West Bank... then you gotta put a bunch of army people there to guard'em... And you know they still... they still hate you. And the religious settlers are claiming that God gave them the land for all time. If that's the case, then show me the deed.»

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